New Years on the Salmon River

Well, things got a little crazy with the end of the semester, finals, and now with the beginning of the semester, things have only toned down a little. Such is life. I spent a about a week on the Salmon river, as is my custom for semester break, but the fishing was slow. Either that, or I've lost my touch! We did get into some fish, but it was a far different trip than last year. I was hoping to fish in snow and cold, but was met with tempatures as warm as they had been in October. This would normally be a good thing. But, water levels were low and the fish were stingy. We did manage a few hookups each day.

Lesson learned this trip: When fishing is slow and you're not hooking fish, ALWAYS check your leader after every dozen or so casts. This is elementary I know, but, I'm always pretty bad at taking my own advice. I'd certainly have better pictures than the ones I have (Big fish go bye-bye) if it weren't for this simple act that I ignored. Live and learn I suppose.

I'm in the process of planning a daytrip to Ohio, if the water EVER drops to a fishable level, so the next update might actually happen sooner rather than later. You can't fish all the time, right?

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